When you have pets at home, a concern is the choice of the space reserved for rest and play for the little animal. What if this space was the representation of an architectural symbol in cardboard?
That’s the idea of the Dutch company of Poppy Cat design, which started a crowdfunding campaign to raise funds through Kickstarter platform, and finance this project for cats based in architectural icons around the world.
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In total there are seven models: the St. Basil’s Cathedral, Russia; the Sphinx of Giza, Egypt; the White House in the US; the Taj Mahal, India; the Eiffel Tower, France; and the pagoda, oriental typical structure and a Mayan temple. The format is very similar to the original, symmetrical arrangement and with many details.
The idea that the houses are made of cardboard is due to the fact that cats like to sleep in spaces with this material. In addition, each of the buildings in cardboard has an element to the pets games.
The cardboard used is recycled and assembly promises to be easy and very fast. And for those who think that creating a home with that model is something simple is quite mistaken: first drafts are made by hand, then computer programs are used to the process in which the prototype takes shape. There are several repetitions to reach the samples with typical details of each building.
To date, almost 50,000 euros have been raised with the project, and you can buy the houses on the company website. They cost 34-46 euros each, depending on the model.
Source: Blog da arquitetura
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