
Meet the most exclusive hotel in the world: Whichaway Camp, Antartica

Those who went there will attest: “Everything I saw was something that I had never experienced before”. It’s consensual, besides being the most exclusive hotel in the world, Whichaway Camp is also one of the most legendary for multiple factors: the journey to get there, the experiences you have there and how much you’re going to miss it.

Meet the most exclusive hotel in the world Whichaway Camp, Antartica_2 whichaway camp Meet the most exclusive hotel in the world: Whichaway Camp, Antartica Meet the most exclusive hotel in the world Whichaway Camp Antartica 2

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Okay, so, it’s priced at $80.000 per person for a week.

Still here? Oh, good then, here it goes.

The cost is completely justified, tough. It’s worth every penny. Here’s why:

  1. You have to get there by private jet

Well, you probably won’t be surprised by finding out that an airline won’t get you there. When you sign up for the vacation, the price includes a privet jet flight to get you close to the resort. Once you land, a six-wheeler will be waiting for you and the other guests to take you to the hotel itself. “Arriving at White Desert Antarctica is like arriving nowhere else on the planet.”

Meet the most exclusive hotel in the world Whichaway Camp, Antartica_4 whichaway camp Meet the most exclusive hotel in the world: Whichaway Camp, Antartica Meet the most exclusive hotel in the world Whichaway Camp Antartica 4

  1. It has a maximum capacity of 12 people at a time

Exclusivity at its finest. If you go with one loved one that only leaves room for ten other people. If you go with the whole family, you have the hotel all to yourself! See, getting better by the second.

Meet the most exclusive hotel in the world Whichaway Camp, Antartica_10 whichaway camp Meet the most exclusive hotel in the world: Whichaway Camp, Antartica Meet the most exclusive hotel in the world Whichaway Camp Antartica 10

  1. Pure luxury

Here’s the thing. It’s not only exclusive, it’s pure luxury! The décor is inspired by mid-century and Scandinavian interior design. As you can see by the photos, is everything you need: exclusive, luxury and amazing! “People are bored of luxury hotel stays in similar surroundings”

Meet the most exclusive hotel in the world Whichaway Camp, Antartica_7 whichaway camp Meet the most exclusive hotel in the world: Whichaway Camp, Antartica Meet the most exclusive hotel in the world Whichaway Camp Antartica 7

Meet the most exclusive hotel in the world Whichaway Camp, Antartica_8 whichaway camp Meet the most exclusive hotel in the world: Whichaway Camp, Antartica Meet the most exclusive hotel in the world Whichaway Camp Antartica 8

  1. The experiences

This luxury hotel is not one of those and you have everything done for you. Oh no… You have activities to do there, which include looking at and interacting with a colony of emperor penguins;

Meet the most exclusive hotel in the world Whichaway Camp, Antartica_6 whichaway camp Meet the most exclusive hotel in the world: Whichaway Camp, Antartica Meet the most exclusive hotel in the world Whichaway Camp Antartica 6

Highking through neon-blue ice tunnels;

Meet the most exclusive hotel in the world Whichaway Camp, Antartica_3 whichaway camp Meet the most exclusive hotel in the world: Whichaway Camp, Antartica Meet the most exclusive hotel in the world Whichaway Camp Antartica 3Climbing pristine mountains;

Meet the most exclusive hotel in the world Whichaway Camp, Antartica_9 whichaway camp Meet the most exclusive hotel in the world: Whichaway Camp, Antartica Meet the most exclusive hotel in the world Whichaway Camp Antartica 9Basically, exploring the REAL Antartica.

  1. The reward is worth the effort

Yes, for the average folk, it’s a pricy experience, and you’re submitted to below-zero temperatures plus the activities can be tricky but, once you look back at it, you’ll know you’ve made the right decision. It’s totally worth it. First of all, only about 100 people a year have the chance to do it, also it’s “luxury meets adventure”. Who doesn’t want that??

Meet the most exclusive hotel in the world Whichaway Camp, Antartica_5 whichaway camp Meet the most exclusive hotel in the world: Whichaway Camp, Antartica Meet the most exclusive hotel in the world Whichaway Camp Antartica 5

  1. Other guest may include…

Right, so… this. Whenever you decide to go to Whichaway Camp, you should know that you’ll be joining the likes of other guests like… Prince Harry. That’s right. One of the Princes of the UK.

Hum… not impressed yet? Okay. What about Buzz Aldrin, then? Now, there is probably a logical explanation for Buzz Aldrin to go there, it’s because, in case you haven’t noticed, Whichaway Camp looks a lot like a Mars colony. Yes, visit Antartica, to get a space exploration vibe. Whichaway Camp really has it all.

Meet the most exclusive hotel in the world Whichaway Camp, Antartica_1 whichaway camp Meet the most exclusive hotel in the world: Whichaway Camp, Antartica Meet the most exclusive hotel in the world Whichaway Camp Antartica 1

  1. You can always spend the day there

In case spending a whole week in Whichaway Camp is a little too farfetched (financially or otherwise), you still have the option to send one day! It is basically the same as the whole week (includes the privet jet flight, the experiances and so on) except you’ll spend less time there (spoiler alert). The price for a day? $10.000.

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So, there you have it. If this hasn’t given you the butterflies to go there, I don’t know what will! Pure luxuty with pure scandinavian design!


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