

midcentury-party-music-5 midcentury How to choose the music for a midcentury party midcentury party music 5

How to choose the music for a midcentury party

The midcentury style is a recovery of styles from the decades of 20, 30, 40, 50 and 60, applied to fashion clothing, shoes, furniture and decorative pieces. This style has…

Top 5 Retro Summer Soundtracks_1 summer soundtracks Top 5 Retro Summer Soundtracks Top 5 Retro Summer Soundtracks 1

Top 5 Retro Summer Soundtracks

The sun is out and the beach is a bus ride away. And today we bring you a Top 5 Retro Summer Soundtracks playlist of the best summer songs ever! We…

Dean Fraser Handmade Guitars_2 guitars Dean Fraser Handmade Guitars Dean Fraser Handmade Guitars 2 1

Dean Fraser Handmade Guitars

British designer and luthier Dean Fraser has over 20 years experience in designing and building guitars. Having designed and made his first guitar at the age of 14, Dean re-tuned…

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