
Attention Spain: Covet Valencia Is About To Open!

Covet World is arriving in Spain! Find all you need to know about Covet Valencia in this article.

September 17th is the “C Day” for Valencia! The brand new Covet Valencia is opening doors, offering the first Covethouse of the country. If you are a mid-century lover, don’t miss this article.

SEE ALSO: “Desert City” in Spain

covet valencia Attention Spain: Covet Valencia Is About To Open! centro valencia 1024x683

The coast city of Valencia is, for many people, the Design Capital of Spain. Know for the iconic monuments, colorful calles and beautiful bars and cafes, Valencia is a city full of life. The locals always say it’s a paradise on Earth.

Now, there is a new reason to visit the city: Covet Valencia!

Oh, we don’t want to spoil you! The next images contain some of the products you will find in Valencia, but they are not pictures from there.

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covet valencia Attention Spain: Covet Valencia Is About To Open! monocles sideboard 225x300Covet Valencia is a 200 sqm baroque style building converted into a showroom that features a curated selection of mid-century furniture, lighting and accessories from the COVET HOUSE brands.
The new Covethouse is located right in the heart of the spanish city, in the first floor of the Palace of the Marquises of Caro and next to the Hotel Inglés, in the prestigious Milla de Oro, the street were the most luxurious brands can be found, from Louis Vuitton to Salvatore Ferragamo.

covet valencia Attention Spain: Covet Valencia Is About To Open! Delightfull EssentialHome ambiences 10 1024x724

covet valencia Attention Spain: Covet Valencia Is About To Open! sophia bed 225x300At Covet Valencia you can not only test a market oriented selection of products, but also find all the tools needed to create the most unique projects.

The Covethouse will be open from Monday to Friday. During mornings you will be able to visit the showroom from 10 am to 2 pm but if you prefer the afternoons or Saturdays you must get an appointment!

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covet valencia Attention Spain: Covet Valencia Is About To Open! hoppman side table 225x300Essential Home is, of course, part of Covet Valencia. During your visit, you will get inspired by golden years’ cinema through several mid-century inspired furniture.

Scroll down to find the pieces!

covet valencia Attention Spain: Covet Valencia Is About To Open! Essential Home ambiences living room 4 683x1024

covet valencia Attention Spain: Covet Valencia Is About To Open! carver armchair 225x300Sophia bed is iconic! A mix of comfort and elegance… can you imagine how unique your bedroom would be with this bed? And… what about Carver armchair?! Such an exquisite detail for any room. Don’t miss it!

Because we know details are important – and side tables are the perfect way to close any design – take a look at Hoppman side table. So charming… We can say the same about Monocles Sideboard, right? A best-seller is always a best-seller. It makes me travel in time… offer your place an experience with this unique piece!

About lightening, of course Miranda Table Lamp will be present! At Covet Valencia you’ll be able to get delighted with such a masterpiece.

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covet valencia Attention Spain: Covet Valencia Is About To Open! miranda table lamp 1 225x300

READ MORE: An Exclusive Interview With Top Interior Designer Patricia Urquiola

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covet valencia Attention Spain: Covet Valencia Is About To Open!
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